2019 Inagural “FARTSACK HIJACK” Challenge
TIMEFRAME: November 1st – 30th
SIGN-UP DEADLINE: October 27th
Teams of 3 will be RANDOMLY drawn out of a hat….on video.
This method ensures that the PAX will be forced to Workout/Fellowship and overall get to know each other better. This will also ensure that the “buddy system” is eliminated. Lastly, it will push PAX to post at an AO they may not normally post at.
- 3 points per team any time ALL 3 PAX post at the same Beatdown/AO on the same day.
- 2 points if 2 of 3 PAX post at the same Beatdown/AO on the same day.
- 3 points per team any time all 3 PAX post at a Bike/Run Group at the same AO on the same day.
- 2 points per team if 2 of 3 PAX post at a Bike/Run Group at the same AO on the same day.
- 3 points per team ONLY when ALL 3 PAX meet for any type of Fellowship outside of F3. (Can only be used once per day)
- Every post MUST HAVE picture evidence of the team members together, in attendance. Take a selfie post-beatdown/bike group/run group. This must be POSTED to Twitter with the appropriate region tags & #FartSackHijack or NO POINTS will be awarded.
A spreadsheet will be created with each team name and members on it. Points will be awarded beginning November 1st and will end on the final Beatdown of of November. Points will be updated as pictures with the region tagged are uploaded to Twitter. ZERO points will be awarded if photo evidence is not posted to Twitter with the Region tagged. It will be as if it never happened. A weekly update of the standings will be sent out to all teams involved.
The winning team will be announced on December 1st and each team member will recieve the prestigious FIRST EVER….
“2019 Innagural FartSack Hijack Champions” trophy.