Perfect temps for a Monday morning Beatdown… only problem was YHC has been nursing a stress fracture. So, in true idiotic fashion… I make up my mind Sunday night that I’m gonna push it.
Date of Beatdown: 2019-03-25
Name-O-Rama: Cavalier (Special Shout out! Since being an FNG probably 2 months ago, I dont think Cavalier has missed a single Tower beatdown!) Faceplant, Sitework, Goldberg QIC
Warm-Up-Gig: Welcome, Disclaimer and we were off.
The Thang That Surely Happened: 50 LBACs in cadence...
50 LBACs in reverse, in cadence
20 TTTunnel in cadence
20 Windmills in cadence
It was at this exact moment, that my Heart overpowered my head...
We moseyed to Town Hall.
Partner up... 100 Hand Release Merkins as a team. While one PAX ran the steps, the other did HRMerkins. Rotating fashion until each pair of PAX was complete.
Mosey to the alleyway by the Trestle.
Each PAX would hold Al Gore while one PAX at a time did 5 Burpees or Turkish Gettups and ran the set of 30 steps that runs up the side of the trestle.
Most to the old police parking lot.
Partner up.
While one PAX does BBsitups the other PAX would Bearcrawl the grassy knoll, do 10 SSH and sprint back... then next PAX would do the same.
Next, same partners, except one PAX would run backwards across the grassy knoll, do 20 SSH and sprint back. Then partner two would follow suit.
Mosey to the stop sign probably 100 yards from the watertower.
All Out Sprint to the Watertower. I wanted each PAX to push themselves to the limit as time expired.
Time was called and everyone was gassed.
Circle of Trust: Announcements...
Wheres everyone been? Contact a kotter!
Daily workout schedule was reiterated.
Prayer requests were made for all PAX nursing injuries.
YHC requested that Sitework pray us out.
Moleskin: Guys... contact a Kotter, tell new guys about F3, get out and POST! Remember what kept you coming back at 515am in the gloom? Try and find that same fire and get back out with your brothers! It was an Honor to lead, as always. Thank you all for what you've done throughout my first 13 months of F3. Without yall, I'd just be a mentally weak, depressed Man, wondering thru this thing called life. SYITG!! Stay ULTIMATE Men!
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