11 Herbs & Spices

50 degrees, clear and calm

Date of Beatdown:

 Saved by the Bell, Hong Kong Fuey, Cavalier, Bob the Builder, Sitework, Bigwheelz, Fedex, Grasspatch, Barney, Super Dave, Old Bay, Goldberg

LBCs to the front 20
LBC's to the rear 15
overhead claps 20
22 Merkins for veteran suicide awareness

The Thang That Surely Happened:
 Sprint to end of field, exercise, then sprint back
11 exercises were: Squats-11, Flutter Kicks-11, Merkins-11, burpees -11, low planks 30 count, mountain climbers-11, baby crunches-11, jumping jacks-11, high plank with alternate shoulder touch-11, through the tunnel-11



_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________3 station rotation, (Pull ups count down from 10, run backwards up the hill, merkins counting up from 1, bear crawl to next station then execute 10 squats, sprint to pergula for next set of pull ups.


Indian run to next training area

Partner up, wheelbarrow (legs held by partner, and proceed down field by walking on hands, partners switch, then return to start point.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag for cool/down/stretch

Circle of Trust:
 Key points:
When asked, Jocko Willink stated his reason for maintaining his intensity in all things even well into retirement post military: Paraphrasing from memory: I do it for Mikey etc., (team members that gave all in the line of duty for all of us to have the freedom and opportunities we all enjoy). I can't let their lives mean nothing by being mediocre. We just celebrated Easter, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died for us. What will we do with that freedom? We must be all we can be, good stewards of all we've been blessed with or we cheapen the sacrifice made for us.
Luke 12:48 states, To whom much is given, much is required! We've been truly blessed to be here this morning with the health we enjoy. Much is required of us. We talk about being HIM's. Well, to be a true HIM, you have to be a follower of Jesus Christ! We can't be slack in any domain of our life. The spiritual, the physical, the emotional, and psychological are all enter-twined. If we neglect any area, we can never reach our full potential. Prayer requests were mentioned, then we closed out in prayer in the COT.

 F3 Peach coming into town later this week.

 I delegated pax to recall exercises in order since we were changing up 11 different ones within our sprints. I believe it will be a good practice to expand that and have pax lead that exercise as well. Good sample/taste to help folks prepare for Qing in the future.

Submitted by:
 Colonel Sanders