8 Flew Over the Nuthouse

Conditions 47 degrees, clear skies, calm

Date of Beatdown:

 Super Dave; Pop Tart (2.0); Site Work; Grass Patch; Skimmer; Cavalier; Goldberg; Quaker (QIC)

 5:14 - One Minute Warning
5:15 - Proper Disclaimer

COP: 21 SSH IC; 16 Windmill IC; 16 TTT IC; 22 Merkins IC; 15 Imperial Walkers IC; 17 Tempo Squats; 15 Little Baby Arm Circles; 5 Core Principles; 15 LBAC in Reverse IC

The Thang That Surely Happened:
 CIRCLE OF TRIVIA: Mosey toward Courthouse Parking Lot and periodically circle up for trivia question. . .IF PAX answers correctly - 15 Reps of PAX choice . . .if PAX answer incorrectly - 5 Bupees OYO

Question #1 - This Film won Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Screenplay in 1975 (note only 1 of 3 films to accomplish this recognition)

PAX Guess . . . Unknown but completely WRONG

mosey then circle up

Question #2: Name One of 3 Actors who starred in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's's Nest

PAX Answet: Jack Nicholson - CORRECT
Other Correct Answers: Christopher Lloyd & Danny Devito
10 Merkins

Mosey then circle up

Question #3: Name 1 other Film that received all 5 Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Screenplay) . . . (Hint 1 was in 1934 (no one will get this) & 1 was in 1991 about another crazy person)

PAX Answer: Silence of the Lambs - CORRECT . . .nice job Super Dave!!
Other Correct Answer: It Happened One Night
10 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey then circle up

Question #4: Character Name of the Nurse in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (I thought this would be an easy one!)
PAX Answer: Nothing but Blank Stares . . . .WRONG
Correct Answer: NURSE RATCHED

Mosey then circle up

Question #5: Name of restraining device used in mental ward

PAX Answer: Straight Jacket . . . CORRECT!!
Other answer: Chinese Thumb Prison . . .just kidding
15 Squats

SUPERSIZED 11's: PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder on edge of Parking Lot.
Set #1: 1 Merkin . . . mosey to center of lot 10 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 1 Merkin
Set #2: 2 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 9 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 2 Merkins
Set #3: 3 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 8 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 3 Merkins
Set #4: 4 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 7 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 4 Merkins
Set #5: 5 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 6 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 5 Merkins
Set #6: 6 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 5 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 6 Merkins
Set #7: 7 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 4 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 7 Merkins
Set #8: 8 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 3 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 8 Merkins
Set #9: 9 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 2 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 9 Merkins
Set #10: 10 Merkins . . . mosey to center of lot 1 Burpees . . . mosey to far end of lot 10 Merkins

UNDERQUAKERS: PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder on edge of parking lot. Parking lot divided into to 4 sections. PAX #1 calls out and leads Exercise #1 for 2 reps . . .then all PAX sprint 1/4 of parking lot and PAX #1 leads Exercise #1 + PAX #2 calls out Exercise #2 and leads for 4 reps . . .sprint . . .PAX #1 leads Exercise #1 for 2 reps + PAX #2 leads Exercise #2 for 4 reps + PAX #3 calls out Exercise #3 and leads for 6 reps . . . sprint. . .etc, etc until PAX# 8 call out Exercise #8

PAX #1 - Grass Patch . . . Exercise #1 = 2 Burpees OYO
PAX #2 - Goldberg . . . Exercise #2 = 4 BBS OYO
PAX #3 - Quaker . . . Exercise #3 = 6 Merkins IC
PAX #4 - Pop Tart . . . Exercise #4 = 8 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC
PAX #5 - Site Work . . . Exercise #5 = 10 Alternating Shoulder to Knee Taps IC
PAX #6 - Cavalier . . . Exercise #6 = 12 Squats OYO
PAX #7 - Skimmer . . . Exercise #7 = 14 LBC OYO
PAX #8 - Super Dave . . . Exercise #8 = Sprint full length of Parking Lot down & back

Mosey back to Shovel Flag

6:00 - Time Called

Circle of Trust:
 Goldberg prayed us out: Prayers for Super Dave's daughter & Pert Plus' son, prayers spoken & unspoken

 Good Friday Ruck & Devotional from the Hulk . . . 5:30 am; Super Dave hosting PAX cookout on Saturday 4/27/19; Dragonboat - 4.27.19 get your fund raising in (still need 1-2 HIM for paddlers); 2nd Annual International Drive 5k & 10K run 4/28/19 (Sunday)

 The PAX of F3Republic are a tight group of HIM but always make YHC feel welcome! Thank you all for the hospitality!! YHC has experience alot of Mumble Chatter over the past few years but Pop Tart can bring it!! YHC may have dated himself with Cuckoo Nest Trivia (YHC sensed the stink eye upon me) but the PAX had fun with it and we all learned some useless facts. More importantly we got to do more Burpees!! YHC had a great time and cordially invite any and allF3Republic PAX to cross the waterway and visit us at F3 Grandstrand! #SYITG. Special thanks to Skimmer for joining YHC in the Clowncar. Tclaps to Goldberg for bringing awesome tunes!!



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