Fridays are Always Payday.

Conditions were low forties…basically perfect.

Date of Beatdown:

 Grasspatch, Mudslide, Run Off, Peach, Fed Ex, Postal, Super Dave, Pop Tart, Goldberg, Smokey Bear, Face Plant, Mayhem, Bluegrass, Saved by the Bell, Straplock, HoeDown (QIC)

 Pre-run at 4:40 (Peach and Fed-Ex)
Run Group 05:15-5:35

The Thang That Surely Happened:
 Kettlebell circle with ascending weights.
Pacer Pax in the middle determines the pace.

Round 1: Battle Rope
While Pacer Pax counts off 20 single arm reps on the battle rope the Pax Circle rotates between biceps and triceps - ascending weight until all have paced the group.

Round 2: Slosh Tube Squats
Pax: Squats and Rows

Round 3: Tractor Tire Flip (3 out and 3 back)
Pax: lunge and calf raises

Kettle Bell Swing for 2 minutes.

Circle of Trust:
 Prayer Concerns were shared.
Word of the Day, John 16:1-2 "I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith. 2 For you will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God."

The questions: Would you follow Jesus if he told you it would cost you your life? How committed are you to following through even though our adversity is typically a matter of mere inconvenience?

 True North Mountian Men's Retreat.
Feb 22-24 or Mar 8-10. Pax are signing up in droves. Get your spot reserved today at

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