Started off with a little misty morning cloud sweat that quickly dissipated. Temp was perfect for a #beatdown!
Date of Beatdown: 2019-02-10
Name-O-Rama: Goldberg, Sitework, Superdave, Straplock, BigWheelz, Mayhem, Stuffed Crust (#kotter), Cavalier, PertPlus (QIC)
Warm-Up-Gig: Disclaimer given, welcome etc etc.
Started with some stretching which threw the PAX off after being conditioned to hearing side straddle hops in cadence most of the time. Bend over middle, move to the right leg, then walk the hands over to the left leg. SSH x 42 IC which started the #mumblechatter game. YHC wanted to bring something new and wasn’t sure what to call it, but here goes... legs lift like Imperial Walkers, but you twist your torso and clap your hands under the lifted knee. Yes it derailed quickly and YHC called it. Arm circles forwards, backwards, then shinooks x 20 IC. That concluded the warm up.
The Thang That Surely Happened: Mosey to river walk park stopping at the stage area of the boardwalk. YHC eyeballing the handrail, Straplock noted he wasn’t sure he liked what I was thinking. Partner up in 3 teams of 3... blank stares like a deer at a new fence post. Anywho, P1 grabs the rail while P2 holds/supports P1 by ankles. Crank out as many cliffhanger merkins as you can. Each pax got at least two rounds. Mosey to other side of the park where old glory hangs. Keeping the same team, DORA 1,2,3. 100 Big boys, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s, 1 Pax takes a lap, 1 Pax bear crawls to steps and runs back when the 3rd is doig the work. Tim to mosey back to the shovel flag.
Few minutes left for #Mary
Flutter kicks x 20 IC tapering the speed down
10 burpees OYO to finish out strong!
Circle of Trust: Counted off with 9 total. Begin/End.
Multiple prayer concerns spoken and unspoken.
YHC shared the verse of the day.
YHC prayed us out.
Announcements: Wednesday 2/13/19 marks 1 year anniversary for Goldberg, he’s on Q and promised to make it unforgettable, don’t miss it!!!
The Anvil is rising with leaders!
Moleskin: Great to have the opportunity to lead these men in the gloom! Keep pounding!!!
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