Dora the ice queen

It was a brisk March morning as I rolled up to the Anvil. Pax were already running the steps in anticipation of the beat down. One mentioned they saw Runoff driving by in the distance (probably had the heater blasting, hot cup of coffee) then I saw a worrier running into the gloom with shovel flag in hand…time to begin

Date of Beatdown:

 Smokey bear, podcast, colonial Sanders , good cents and Postal Qic

• Side Straddle Hops 20 IC
Run lot
• wind mills 20 IC
Run lot
• Imperial W 20 IC
Run lot
• ———————-
• Little Baby Arm Circles 30 IC
• 15 fwd. 15 reverse
Run lot

The Thang That Surely Happened:
Pick a date:
DORA 1-2-3 – PAX 1 does exercise (100 Merkins; 200 BBS; 300 Squats)AMRAP . . . PAX 2 runs width of Large Parking Lot . . .Flip/Flop . . . until all exercises are complete

Mosey to other lot

Teams of 3
Pax 1-sprints to end and does burpee sprints back while
pax 2 planks
Pax 3 holds Al Gore

Circle of Trust:
 Prayers and Praises

Good luck to Smokey and C Sanders
As they preach the gospel

 Good luck to Podcast and others as they go on upcoming retreat

Also to Smokey and others pax’s as the adventure race approaches

1 Timothy 4:8
”Train yourself for a holy life! While physical training has some value,  training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come.“
So important!

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