It was warm and a little humid, but we were ready for it.
Date of Beatdown: 19/06/2019
Name-O-Rama: Wonton, Grasspatch, Postal, Good Cents-QIC
Warm-Up-Gig: One Minute Warning, Disclaimer, and Count-O-Rama
Lap around the parking lot
Nancy Kerrigan IC - forward & backwards
Overhead Air Press IC
Bent Over Seal Claps IC
Tempo Squats IC
The Thang That Surely Happened: Moseyed to Football Parking Lot and grabbed a Coupon for Station Work
Cranked the Music
AMRAP at each station for several sets
Station 1 - Bent Over Rows
Station 2 - Curls
Station 3 - OH Press or Goblet Squats
Station 4 - Parking Lot Run (approx. 150 yards)
Returned Coupons and moseyed to the Practice Field
Did Suicides every 10 yards the length of the field
Rotated between derkins & cross legged sit-ups (10 reps/5 sets)
Moseyed to Shovel Flag for our final exercise
50 American Hammers IC
Stretched it out
Circle of Trust: Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama
Announcements: Ultimate Frisbee tomorrow at The Riviera
Gold Rush's VQ Saturday at The Anvil
Moleskin: Prayer Requests for Postal and several others
Read and discussed John 10:10
The music and mumble chatter was great the entire beatdown.
As always, it was an honor to lead.
Submitted by:
Good Cents