At 04:40 The pre-run was enjoyed by YHC. Several miles of running and stretching were enjoyed. #mumblechatter was directed at the SkyQ.
At 5:30 #PaperRoute was taken astride by Colonel Sanders, Gold Rush, and YHC. 17 miles were taken in at a fellowship pace. We cut the ride at 17 so YHC could make some preparations for the #TheAnvil Q.
The One Minute Warning was issued.
#Disclaimer was issued.
Count-o-Rama : 8 will begin-8 will end.
Date of Beatdown: 2019-03-30
Name-O-Rama: Gold Rush, Good Cents, Goldberg, Grass Patch, Wonton, Postal, FedEx, HoeDown (QIC)
Warm-Up-Gig: COP:
Light stretching of legs and back
Windmills IC
The Thang That Surely Happened: Mosey over to the Football parking lot for Merkin Ladder and Flutter Wheel
Pax lined up on a parking lot line for Merkin Ladder. Pax performed one merkin and bear crawled to next line. Two Merkins were performed and bear crawl to next line. Three merkins….etc until Pax have performed ten merkins. This was performed in OYO fashion.
PAX lined up in a tight circle for the Flutter Wheel.
Flutter kicks were performed in cadence as each pax handed off the cadence around the circle. So, in form, the cadence was consistent and each pax took a turn counting. This design allows each pax to provide leadership as the turn makes its way around the wheel. We kept going until we hit 32 reps.
Pax lined back up on the parking lot line for a descending Merkin Ladder. 10 down to 1 with bear crawls between the lines.
Pax lined back up for another flutter kick circle and opportunity to lead the cadence in secession.
Back to the line for an ascending Squat Ladder using lunges as the travel.
Line up on your six in a circle for a Hello Dolly wheel. In cadence up to 32 once again.
Pax returned back down the ladder while performing Apolo Ohno’s Lunges.
Mosey over to the practice field.
Pax partnered up and picked out their wooden log. Log was held high and we made a half lap around the field.
Pax lined up for a partner Log Dora.
100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, and 300 Side Straddle Hops.
Running Partner flipped the log 5 times and ran back for the exchange. The log got further and further away with each flip.
By the end of the Dora the logs had traveled 2.5 or 3 lengths of the football field.
(Such a great time)
Pax shouldered their log and headed back to the parking lot
Partner squats with log over head done in cadence.
To finish off, PAX took a few laps up and down the stairs. 4 laps where completed prior to COT.
Circle of Trust: Prayer Concerns were lifted up
YHC shared a word from Genesis 50. Joseph, when placed in the position of leadership over his brothers chose not take revenge by asking the question, "Am I God?" This question is always a great question to ask ourselves when we are in a place of leadership. Should we take revenge or advance our selves over others? One Pax noted that taking the high road is justice in and of itself.
Announcements: There is a fundraiser being held for the Aynor High School weight room. Please look to the Republic Workplace General Group for a link to the fundraiser.
Get on Facebook Workplace to keep in communication with the region.
Moleskin: YHC is always honored to lead and to serve. I am thankful for the opportunity to watch this region take birth and grow into a stellar leadership pipeline. May we continue to advance the cause so that this world, beginning within this region, may accelerate daily.
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