Picking up a brother

Seasonably warm and perfect for a workout

Date of Beatdown:

 TagTeam, Hoedown, Bluegrass, Fedex and FNG Rainbird

 Quick set of side straddle hops, through the tunnel and imperial walkers to get the blood flowing.

The Thang That Surely Happened:
 Today was a pax choice workout where we all filled in for etchasketch who’s down with a bad back. Started out with Dora, did a little running, an ab set, a lunge set with burpees, merkins and another short run and finished with some pax choice Mary work.

Circle of Trust:
 We read a verse from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 and talked about accountability and picking up a brother when he’s down. If you don’t have a brother you can trust, find one. If you’re not being that brother to someone else, find someone that needs it and be that guy.

 See Hoedown if you’re interested in the true north trip

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 Tag Team