The humidity is back with a vengeance and it’s beginning to feel more like summer. And that’s a good thing. Fat hates heat. — alas YHC took a solo pre-run to get in some extra work prior to being joined by three other Pax.
Date of Beatdown: 2019-06-11
Name-O-Rama: Bluegrass, Hong Kong Fui, Rainbird, Hoedown
Warm-Up-Gig: Disclaimer was given.
We started with some decent amount of stretching before taking off to the rec fields.
The Thang That Surely Happened: After the COP warmup we took a mosey to the baseball field sidewalk. This cruciform sidewalk provides the perfect outline.
100 perfect form squats OYO
Mosey to second corner of the cross.
50 Big Boys with impeccable form
money to end of sidewalk near rec center.
100 Merkins OYO
Money down to last corner of sidewalk.
100 LBCs OYO
Mosey back to parking lot for some Pax choice Mary
Ended with some good stretch maneuvers.
Circle of Trust: Shared some prayer concerns and reflected on 2 Kings 9.
Prayer it up together and offered mutual encouragement.
Announcements: True North EXP and MTN registration opens Thursday at 6pm.
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